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Tax Preparation

Monica's practice is a full-service, year-round tax consultancy which specializes in federal and state tax preparation, audit representation, and tax planning.
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  • Enrolled Agent
  • Master of Laws in Taxation
  • JD, Loyola Law School
  • BS, Small Business & New Ventures
  • Graduate Fellow
  • Accredited Tax Advisor
  • Linked with experienced pros
  • Comprehensive research library
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Monica is a recognized speaker on the "professional" circuit, a trained program developer, and a welcomed guest lecturer on college campuses and at community organizations.

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Monica is a maven who can pro-
ficiently address the many diverse needs of her clientele, including:
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Monica is a prolific writer who delves into diverse topics ranging from tax to finance to law and even travel. She has authored published articles, legal analyses and student manuals.

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Read about my credentials and services and then contact me for a free initial consultation.

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